It is a phenomenon of our business that December auctions are the only time certain items fetch a good price. It is a time to sell fine glassware, dinner services, cutlery, linen tablecloths, toys, and of course fine wines and spirits.
I am often asked about the best investments to make over the Christmas period. To have a profitable Christmas I would suggest you bought the most expensive wines and spirits you could afford and put them away for the future. Buy your children or grandchildren a toy but don’t let them open it or play with it.
But who would enjoy a Christmas like that? Eat, drink and be merry!
Happy Christmas from Gary Don and all the staff!
Cake decorations are particularly popular at this time of year.
The value of this wonderful set at Christmas time would be around £120.00
This is a fine example of a Noah’s Ark, and if anyone out there has a similar one, it is the best time of year to sell it.
This is a German Noah’s Ark made in the mid 1800’s with a hull and hinged roof. What makes this special is that it contains 57 pairs of animals including birds, spiders, insects, grasshoppers and various animals. The quality of the carving, its condition and the fact that so many animals having survived results in the value of £7000. Here are this month’s questions from our readers;
The attached photographs are of an item that came into my wife’s possession from her grandfather, it appears to be made of brass and has no distinguishing marks, we believe that it originally came from India where grand-dad served during the war. It is 8cm in diameter and stands 6.5 cm high.
As a child my wife was fascinated by it as what is unusual is that when water is poured into the bowl it slowly fills until just before it reaches the small childs feet when it suddenly empties through a hole in the bottom, my wife was told as a child that the small person being carried is Buddha or a god who’s feet were not allowed to get wet.
We would really appreciate any information about it and a valuation would be of interest but the sentimental value is far greater.
Unfortunately as you can see from the photo of the base it has been damaged (although it still works) and poorly repaired – could you possibly recommend anywhere that we can get it professionally repaired.
Thank you for your help
The item your Grandad brought back from India show two Gods. The quality of work makes it difficult to be sure but my guess would be they are Shiva and Pavati.
Shiva is one of the Trinity dieties of Hinduism.
Pavati is the Hindu goddess of love, fertility and devotion.
It is a fantastic item to have and its value would be enhanced if you had any photos, medals or even a diary of your grandfather’s time in India.
It is probably not worth spending the money repairing it as it would take away from its originality. It is a priceless piece of family history that should be kept for future generations. How could anyone put a value on that?
Hi I have a old zenith camera 12XP. I am just seeing if it is worth anything or not.
I look forward hearing back from you soon.
Mr Sutcliffe
Hi thank you for your email about your retro camera. Unfortunately with the advent of digital cameras, the collectable camera market for mass produced cameras is very poor.
There is always hope for the future. After all everyone predicted that vinyl records would be worth nothing after the advent of digital CDs and look what’s happened now – a booming vinyl market!
You could purchase one of these cameras at the moment between £25-35.
You may be sat on a treasure trove! It is often the items that you think are worthless that can turn out to be the most valuable.
Not sure? Then send an email to I will answer everyone.
Look forward to valuing for you
Gary Don