Chris Collinson and Chris Sylvester, two residents of Faith Lodge, an abstinence hostel run by St George’s Crypt, a renowned Leeds Homeless Charity, have become registered boxing tutors after completing months of training. Their final exam, arranged by Louise Walker, Active Lifestyles Officer for Sports & Active Lifestyles, gives them the opportunity to start tutoring professionally.
Leeds City Council’s Positive Futures programme provided the trainers for Boxercise sessions. The two Chris’ showed dedication and enthusiasm, attended every training session and progressed well. The training worked alongside St George’s Crypt’s addiction rehabilitation program, Growing Rooms, aimed at tying up classroom based therapy with positive volunteering opportunities.
The two will now be able to deliver courses set to the GB Boxing Award, and are planning on taking over tutoring the Boxercise training activity currently held at St George’s Crypt.
Chris Sylvester said ‘this is a milestone; from where we started to where we are now. It’s not just about Boxing – it’s about well- being, healthy living, being active & having a better quality of life. Boxercise provides a sense of achievement & self- development. The skills we will teach others help in everyday life.’