Ambitious plans to provide new council homes for older people have come to fruition recently as two key developments get underway.
Official ceremonies marked the start of Leeds City Council’s flagship extra care scheme in Yeadon and new apartments in Swarcliffe.
Both schemes are part of the authority’s council house growth programme which will see around 1,000 new homes built over the next three years.
For the first time, the council will run its own extra care scheme where residents can live independently with 24/7 support tailored to their needs.
On the former Howarth Court site in Yeadon, contractor Henry Boot Construction will build the 45 self-contained apartments.
As well as the 18 one-bedroom and 27 two-bedroom apartments with their own front doors and modern kitchens and bathrooms, residents will benefit from a communal lounge, a community room, a salon and bathing suite in a spa setting, an en-suite guest room for visitors and a restaurant run by the council’s Civic Enterprise Leeds.
Residents and their visitors will be able to enjoy landscaped gardens and convenient, dedicated parking.
The name for the new scheme will be revealed from suggestions made by local people as part of a competition.
The former derelict Squinting Cat pub site in Swarcliffe is being transformed with 18 brand new, high-quality, energy efficient apartments.
Britcon UK Ltd have been appointed to build the six one-bedroom and 12 two-bedroom apartments on the brownfield site which have been designed with older people in mind.
The layout of the timber-framed building will make the most of the sunshine to reduce running and heating costs for tenants.
In addition, each of the one-bedroom flats will be large enough to be converted into two-bedroom properties if needed in the future.
By designing the properties flexibly and to meet the needs of older people it’s hoped that other much needed council homes can be freed up for families.
Councillor Debra Coupar, executive member for communities, said:
“We’re making a significant investment in council house building over the next three years and the developments getting underway in Yeadon and Swarcliffe show that we’re delivering a range of affordable housing to suit an older generation.
“With people able to take advantage of housing designed with their needs in mind we can free up other homes for those that need them most and help to improve the quality of our residents’ lives.”
Councillor Richard Lewis, executive member for regeneration, transport and planning, said:
“Getting started on site marks significant milestones in two key projects that will help Leeds become the best city to live in for older people.
“As well as the development exemplifying the best in design, in Swarcliffe we’re bringing a brownfield site back into use and building affordable homes where there was previously an eyesore.”
Work on both sites are scheduled to be completed by late summer 2016.
The buildings will conform to the new Leeds Standard, embodying the best in design.
The council will demonstrate through its own homes that quality design with set standards for space, heating, ventilation, flexibility, character and green space can leave a positive legacy for communities.