The Friends of The City Varieties Music Hall Theatre recently held a fund-raising luncheon at The Hilton Hotel, Leeds which was a fantastic success. The group are thrilled with the help and support they received on the day from both the hotel, and the various organisations, groups and individuals who freely gave their time and talents to support the theatre.
The speaker on the day was Bernard Atha CBE OBE, and on the bill, was Jimmy Cricket, Billy Bedlam, Nigel Wear and the dance group “Dance Floor 54” – dancers from East Leeds who entertained the guests.
The Choir ‘Singing for Pleasure’ – all ladies from North Leeds also gave their time for nothing. Not only that but they then donated a cheque to The Friends. The Taxi company Premier did their bit too by ferrying the ladies to and from their homes at no charge!
This fundraising event for the Friends of the City Varieties Theatre was organised to boost vital funds for one of only two original Music Hall Theatres left in the country -the other being Wilton’s Theatre in London.
The ‘Friends’ help to keep the historic and unique theatre looking its best. In recent years they have funded the 24-carat gold leaf gilding on the dress circle and upper circle balconies and more recently they have had the Proscenium Arch gilded too. These are things that the official refurbishment couldn’t run to. The group intend to keep fundraising to ensure that the City Varieties Theatre continues to run for generations to come, whilst retaining its historic splendour.
The Friends celebrate their 30th anniversary this year and enjoy special events, trips and outings. They learn about shows before the general public and get discounts on tickets. If you are interested in becoming a member, having fun whilst doing something worthwhile, the group would be pleased to have you.
Phone Caroline Fields on 0113 2886393 or email;