Kissing it Better is a national charity working in care homes and hospitals across the country to produce uplifting and practical programmes to improve the healthcare experience of in particularly older people who may be vulnerable or isolated.
Taking the ethos of Florence Nightingale who believed that simple things such as a song, an engaging conversation or even a lovely view can make the world of difference, Kissing it Better link with schools, colleges and universities to help young people enhance the lives of the patients, visitors and staff. KiB students offer their time and talents from art, music and drama to massage and manicures, which not only lifts patients’ spirits but also allows the students to gain unrivalled life experiences.
Here in Leeds, Kissing it Better work within South Leeds Independence Centre (SLIC) which is an integrated health and social care unit delivering short term patient centred rehabilitation and recovery. Since last summer KiB have been running a rich range of programmes at SLIC from drama, music and poetry, to arts and crafts and animal visits. They also have reminiscence sessions where students help re-connect patients with their sense of self and what they have achieved in their long lives. Arts and crafts sessions encourage creativity and curiosity, as well as helping to improve motor skills and forge friendships. As 93-year-old Joyce put it: “I love it when the young people come. They make me feel young again!” The centre also receives visits from animals – at least two therapy dog sessions are organised every month by KiB, and animal care students from Askham Bryan College have taken in a range of exotic pets including bearded dragons and tortoises.
One Drama student at Leeds University who volunteers with KiB, Sophie Mobberley said “I’m so happy to be involved with KiB at SLIC. If I have had a tough week, the visit to the centre is so uplifting! I definitely agree that it is a mutually beneficial experience.”
Kissing it Better continue to expand and are soon to be also offering this service at St Mary's Hospital, Armley, in their Community Rehabilitation Unit (CRU) which offers short stay admission for people with neurological conditions. Both SLIC and the CRU are operated by the Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust who do a fabulous job ensuring that the patients’ needs are a top priority. It is wonderful that care home patients and hospital patients who are feeling fragile, forgotten or simply fed up are overjoyed to be given the gift of music, massage and conversation.