Leeds City Council planning services reduced but continuing despite coronavirus challenges

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Leeds City Council has issued an update on the planning process in light of the current circumstances regarding the coronavirus.

The council’s planning and sustainable development service is continuing to wherever possible operate a reduced service, although with a reduced service following the national guidance to work from home. Where possible, existing planning applications or planning queries are continuing to be progressed.

For more recent or new applications, however, they will now be subject to delay until the circumstances change, as it will not be possible to publicise them in terms of placing site notices at locations or sending notification letters to residents given the current restrictions in place.

Site visits, apart from for essential services or to assess dangerous buildings, cannot be currently carried out while paper correspondence can also not currently be logged or responded to.

With plans panels currently unable to meet, those applications identified for possible panel stage consideration are currently being reviewed by the service to determine whether an officer decision can be made, whether they can be deferred by agreement or need to be considered by a future plans panel meeting.

Updates will be given as the position evolves, and Leeds City Council executive member for climate change, transport and sustainable development Councillor Lisa Mulherin said:

“As a council we are continuing to do everything we can to support our communities, businesses and the wider economy at this very challenging time. Where possible we are continuing to operate our planning and related services as best we can while following the national guidelines and restrictions. We would ask for patience and understanding, especially where applications cannot currently progress as they would normally. We will give updates when the position changes and would ask everyone to continue to follow the national guidance in order to stay safe.”

For the latest information and guidance for residents and businesses on the coronavirus for Leeds visit https://www.leeds.gov.uk/coronavirus

For general enquiries to planning and related services email planning@leeds.gov.uk or call 0113 222 4409, but please be patient as response times are likely to be impacted by the current circumstances

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