The Principal of the UK’s only specialist further education construction college says he is “delighted” after Leeds College of Building was graded ‘Good’ in all areas in its most recent Ofsted inspection.
Since the previous inspection, staff have spent the past two years working to improve standards. Ofsted has recognised the advances made by classing the overall effectiveness grade as ‘Good.’
The quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, programmes for young people, adult learning, apprenticeships, and provision for learners with high needs all achieved the same ‘Good’ classification.
Ofsted’s verdict came following a full four-day inspection late last month (21-24 October). In the report, Ofsted said:
“Students develop professional workplace behaviours and practices that employers expect in the construction and the built environment sectors.
“Students and apprentices work with and use high-quality industry-standard resources to support the development of their practical skills. Teachers are skilled experts and have good experience in the construction and built environment industries.”
They added:
“Senior leaders and managers successfully provide a curriculum that meets the specific needs of the construction and the built environment employment sectors. The curriculum is informed and developed through highly effective links with employer groups across the city region of Leeds and nationally.”
Derek Whitehead, Leeds College of Building Principal, said:
“We’re delighted with this Ofsted result. It is recognition of the hard work and dedication of each and every member of our staff, governors, students, and many external partners.
“The report celebrates our inclusive and respectful learning environment, supported by tutors who are industry experts. It also highlights the positive attitudes of our students who are learning the hands-on and soft skills sought by employers. A huge thanks go to everyone involved in achieving this brilliant result.”

• Derek Whitehead, Leeds College of Building Principal
Julia Evans, Chair of the Leeds College of Building Board of Governors, said:
“This fantastic report demonstrates College excellence. It’s one of the latest conducted under the new Ofsted framework, which focuses less on data and more on the standard of curriculum received by students. It’s tremendous that this quality of education is demonstrated at the College.
“Ofsted praised our teachers as ‘skilled experts’ who support the development of practical skills, enhanced by fantastic links with industry. We’re delighted they confirm that our senior leaders and managers successfully provide a curriculum that meets the specific needs of the construction and the built environment employment sectors. Well done to everyone involved.”

• Julia Evans (Chair, Board of Governors), Erneliana Daniel (student and Governors’ award-winner), and Derek Whitehead (Principal) at the recent Leeds College of Building annual BIG Awards.