Leeds Residents Named As Energy Saving Pioneers

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Leeds has been hailed as one of the energy savviest cities in the country, after new research revealed how many residents have introduced energy saving measures to try to keep their bills down.
The survey found that 88 per cent of Leeds residents put energy saving measures into their homes, in an effort to lower their bills, beating London and Manchester but falling behind Sheffield in the league table of Britain’s ‘energy smart’ cities.
Of those surveyed, nearly four in ten (39 per cent) have a more efficient new boiler, while a third of homes (32 per cent) introduced other energy efficient appliances to help save on their bills.
Four in ten (40 per cent) people said they want smart meters to help manage their household outgoings according to the new research from British Gas, which has already installed 35,000 smart meters in the area.
Smart meters replace traditional meters and come with a free smart energy monitor that shows how much energy is being used in near real-time, in pounds and pence, helping customers compare energy use over time and see the impact of energy efficiency measures in their homes.
The research also found that homeowners are more likely to invest in smart or connected home technology to save energy. Nationally, half of homeowners said they have smart meters or Hive technology in their home to help them keep bills down, compared to just 19 per cent of renters who said the same.
British Gas Smart Energy Expert, Sarah Scrivener, who installs smart meters in homes across Leeds, commented: “People are thinking more about energy efficiency to help reduce their energy consumption and lower their bills.
“There’s definitely a growing interest in connected home devices like Hive Active Heating, which allows people to control the heating and hot water in their homes from their mobile, tablet or laptop. Smart meters help customers to see how much it costs to boil the kettle for example – and they put an end to estimated bills or submitting meter readings.”
To find out more about smart meters or see if you can have them in your home, visit;
To find out more about Hive Active Heating™, visit;

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