Light nights heralded a new beginning for many would – be athletes. The more seasoned variety triumphed over the streets of Manchester, Paris and London as each demolished the challenge of 26.2 miles.
The ‘beginners’ challenge was far less than 26.2m. Their 12 week goal – to run non- stop for 30 minutes. Week 1, walk, more walking, then run for 1 minute, then more walking and so on…..50 hopefuls arrived full of trepidation in Temple Newsam Park. Graham Shooter quickly calmed their fears of being too slow, too fat, too unfit, and too old.
Their fears were the very reason they felt the need to run and get fit. Simone gave up smoking “I believe that running will help me to stay stopped, help me to see improvements to my fitness and overall health. I’m confident I will achieve it with the help of STAC.”
Rebecca has a rheumatoid condition of the back and appreciates the health benefits of exercise for giving pain relief. “The day after the first session was brilliant, no aches, and no pain. I’m really looking forward to the next sessions.”
Ages range from 15 to 64. All were at least 20 years younger than inspirational volunteer helper, John Johnson (84). STAC boasts 9 Run Leaders together with Graham and has support of many club runners and some ‘graduates’ from last year. Hannah and Sarah wanted to be part of a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. “We both felt great after last week and are looking forward to the challenge.”
Manchester and London runners took advantage of a gentle workout and accompanied ‘tomorrow’s marathoners’. Terri said “My motivation was to have support, and company of others like myself. I found it. It was brilliant, I am enthusiastic. No zimmer frame in sight!”
Both halves of the Coop and Lenaghan families ran Manchester and London respectively, Phil and Mark in Manchester, Nicki and Donna in London.
Terry Midgeley hid his disappointment of failing to hit 3h 1 second by 2 minutes and 6 seconds in his record attempt of running ‘the London’ as a lifeguard.
Beginners know it’s not all about records or marathons. Its camaraderie, enjoying the outdoors, fitness and achievement. Recent club members Karen Haunch, Lynsey Farthing and Joanne Loftus ran in Manchester and bore testimony to the spirit of the club. Karen said “the club support has been fantastic and the guys at STAC are amazing. So many came to follow us. From running 3-6 miles I’ve become a marathoner! My first in 5hrs 30.”
Even more followers went to London to see John Robson (2h59), Adrian Buccilli (3h35), Donna Lenaghan (3h41), Kevin Booth (3h41 – and raising over £1800 for St Gemma’s), James May (3h59), Nicki Coop (4h36), Jude ‘happy to take a selfie’ Jackson (4h58) and Matthew Boyle in a relaxed 5hr +.
Many STAC – the not entirely seasoned and honed athletes – were jealous of Andy Warrender who declared that there was wine and cider available in the later drinks stations in Paris. Running is definitely fun!