Hello readers of the Yorkshire Reporter. I hope you had a wonderful christmas, and a happy New Year to you all, as I welcome you again to my children’s review.
This month, I am reviewing something a little different for all the family to enjoy which is ‘The Jungle Book’ at the West Yorkshire Playhouse – running until the 18th January. Read on for more info! This play at the Playhouse costs from £12 for a ticket which I think is a pretty decent price. The show runs for approximately 2 ½ hours – this is including an interval in between to stretch your legs, use the restroom and buy snacks for the other half of the play. The snacks are at standard theatre prices. The theatre that the play is in is quite good with lots of seating.
The chairs are really comfortable and even if you are sat right at the top you can see perfectly because the seats get higher as they go back. I would say that the front seats are the best though because your feet are basically on the stage! The set up of the stage is amazing with all the trees and jungle scenery, some of which have moving parts where needed. Also, there are some drum players who are set up on higher parts of the stage.
They play very jungle like music which goes along with the theme very well. The actors on stage perform really well and are dressed up in outfits like the animal they are playing. Some are even on stilts! A few of the animals and baby Mowgli are puppets, and the people who move the puppets are amazing. The mixture of the live music, actors and puppets makes an excellent version of the well known story of the Jungle Book and is very different to the cartoon. It is also a really good choice if you fancy a change from a normal panto at this time of year.
I don’t want to say too much though in case you decide to go see it for yourself. I went to see this play with my Guides group just before we finished for Christmas and I would highly recommend it. We had great fun and really enjoyed how different it was to a pantomime or normal play. I give it 9 ½ out of 10. By Selina aged 10