£50k improvements near completion at Hunslet Cemetery

Local News

Councillors Mohammed Iqbal and Kim Groves are delighted to announce that the scheme to improve Hunslet Cemetery will soon be completed. Work has been undertaken by the Council’s Parks and Countryside Service with funding from Section 106 money.

The £50,000 scheme has enabled footpaths in the oldest part of the cemetery to be resurfaced, providing much improved access for visitors. New paths will lead down to a new tree plantation with some 20 trees being planted, which will create a new habitat area and help the Council to increase the number of trees within the city.

Work is also to be undertaken to the main entrance gates at to improve them both visually and to help improve the security of the site. The gates will be refurbished in situ and repainted. The entrance path from there to the cenotaph has also been improved through the removal of the shrubs and roses, in favour of seasonal planting displays, which will provide a much more colourful and inviting entrance along with new signage.

Large sections of fencing around the boundary of the cemetery have also been replaced, which will improve security and prevent anti-social behaviour taking place.

Local Councillors have worked closely with community group ‘Friends of Hunslet Cemetery’ to ensure that these important improvements took place. The group organises clean up days, bulb planting and other work to maintain the cemetery.

Councillor Mohammed Iqbal (City & Hunslet) said:

“It is fantastic news that work on this long awaited scheme is almost complete and improving the area for local residents is a major priority for us. We are delighted that we are able to support a great initiative that will help improve our cemetery for the benefit of residents and visitors.

Councillor Kim Groves (Middleton Park) said:

“This scheme has been a wonderful success and is a testament to the great efforts of the Parks and Countryside Service to improve our cemeteries and green spaces. I am sure residents will be delighted with the improvements to the cemetery.”

Dawn Horkan (Chair of Friends of Hunslet Cemetery) said:

“Our thanks and appreciation goes to the Middleton Park and City and Hunslet Councillors for their support in securing funding for these much needed improvements and Parks and Countryside have done a brilliant job. We look forward to seeing an expansion of the cemetery and improvements to the rest of the site in the future.”

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