Many more meals will be served up at an innovative local café thanks to a new partnership with Leeds Kirkgate Market.
Food from outdoor market traders that would otherwise be headed for the bin has been donated to the Real Junk Food Project.
The first collection saw nearly 250kg of fruit, veg and other items nearing their use-by date collected by project volunteers.
The leftovers helped the pay as you feel café in Armley feed their guests in a Sunday feast last month.
With the potential to stop around a tonne of food from the market going to waste in landfill each month, both the soon-to-be-refurbished market and Real Junk Food Project hope this will be the start of a beneficial partnership.
Sue Burgess, markets manager, said:
“We’re really excited about teaming up with the Real Junk Food Project. Not only are we reducing our environmental impact, we’re also helping to feed people in an imaginative and successful way. Our thanks go to traders for getting on board.”
Adam Smith, co-director at the Real Junk Food Project, said:
“It’s great that the traders and team at Kirkgate Market were willing to open their doors to us. With this first collection under our belts, we hope this will be a catalyst for the Real Junk Food Project and the council to work together more effectively in the future to manage waste around the city.”
The market and project will be working together to establish regular collections.
More information about the Real Junk Food Project and pay as you go café can be found on Facebook.