A new integrated single service to tackle noise nuisance across the city has been launched by Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Police.
As part of a six month pilot, the revamped service will see staff from the council and West Yorkshire Police, working under the banner of Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team (LASBT), join forces to tackle noise nuisance and low-level anti-social behaviour across the city.
This follows a review by partners, which looked at a range of options to see how the out of hours noise nuisance service could be further improved to meet the needs of residents.
The new noise nuisance team will incorporate resources from LASBT, LeedsWatch Security Service and West Yorkshire Police, and include a 24 hour telephone response capability. Two mobile marked vehicles will also operate Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 6pm to 4am, with a reduced service being offered from Monday to Thursday, where one vehicle will be available.
Any residents suffering from excessive and/or intrusive noise problems can get in touch with the noise nuisance service on 0113 3950143
Councillor Peter Gruen, chair of Safer Leeds said:
“We recognise that noise nuisance is a very real issue across the city and causes significant distress for neighbours. With this in mind, we have completed a review with partners to see how the combatting of anti-social behaviour in Leeds can be improved.
“We have now taken the decision with our partners to join up our resources in order to provide a greater strategic approach to how this problem is tackled and resolved for residents.
“With summer traditionally offering the most problems regarding noise nuisance, this is the perfect time to launch our new enhanced service, which will include improvements to how we respond to calls in our control room and again the deployment of two mobile vehicles that will deal with cases across the city.”
Superintendent Sam Millar, West Yorkshire Police said:
“There is a very strong and effective community safety partnership in the Leeds district and it is fundamentally important that we work together to tackle and deal with anti-social behaviour which ruins communities and life for so many residents.
“Tackling anti-social behaviour, whatever form it takes, is a key priority for the police and for our partnership and we will play our part in delivering the right service for the city.”