I have in recent years given free talks to various church and other groups which I thoroughly enjoy. When the covid pandemic hit, this all stopped and has never really got going again. I have missed doing them, so if you have an organisation and would like me to do a talk, please give me a call. The usual format is people bring items in and I try to identify and value the object. I then give a general talk on antiques and what is in vogue at this time. It is great fun and I normally get a nice cup of tea and slice of cake too!
I have had some really unusual items brought in such as a Victorian spoon warmer and a Georgian scarifier (which is a blood letting instrument!) On a similar theme was a leech jar for keeping live leeches which I believe are still used in modern medicine – although I don’t fancy that treatment! Someone brought in a First World War field surgeon’s box of instruments with the most horrific tools for removing bullets and saws for cutting off limbs. I shudder to think of the conditions these items were used in and before modern anaesthetics too.

On a cheerier note, I have recently had several items of sporting memorabilia brought into the shop. I have to admit to being a bit of a sports fanatic and love all sports. I have in the shop a cricket bat dated 1886 which was won for the best batting average that season. I played cricket myself and coached junior cricketers for many years. I get great pleasure out of watching young people develop into really nice individuals, which I think is greatly helped by team spirit and sporting ethics. I am always interested in buying sports related items, medals, silver cups, old programmes – anything really.

I am also looking for old toys. Christmas is coming up and we always sell vintage toys at this time of year. I am particularly looking for vintage trains and dinky toys, anything made of tinplate can be quite valuable. I will always call out without any obligation to offer a free valuation..
Thank you,