People are being urged to ditch these food and drink items in favour of a better workout.
The fitness experts at have warned people to steer clear of certain things before they exercise to maximise efficiency and feel good too.
The experts state that a poorly chosen pre-workout meal can make or break a good gym session. They have also highlighted that food consumed an hour or less before a workout may not have had time to fully digest, so it’s important to eat wisely.
A spokesperson for said: “What you eat before heading to the gym can significantly affect how you feel during the session.
“It’s true that some people can get away with eating anything before exercise, but this isn’t the case for everybody. It’s best to err on the side of caution and keep things simple when it comes to pre-workout meals.”
“This doesn’t mean you have to train on an empty stomach, but just be mindful when consuming food and drink close to exercise. Foods high in fat and protein will take longer to digest than foods with a higher carbohydrate content.
“Keeping calorific treats and fizzy drinks until after your workout is also advisable so that you don’t feel sluggish during the session.”
Most fizzy drinks are unfortunately not rich in nutrients, so they won’t provide any benefits before exercising. Not only this, but the carbonation can make you feel full and bloated, which can lead to nausea whilst training.
Fatty foods like nuts make for the perfect snack, however, they can take a while to digest. If you’re thinking about having nuts as part of a pre-workout meal, make sure to consume them a few hours before exercise. This will give the fats a better chance at digesting.
Protein bars are a convenient snack and they are useful for helping to reach daily protein goals, however, they may not be the most optimal thing to consume before exercise. Try to opt for something with higher carbohydrate content, as these foods will digest quicker than foods with a higher fat or protein content.
The effect of spicy foods can vary from person to person. For some, it can cause heartburn and bloating which can be a frustrating distraction when training in the gym. If you’re consuming spicy foods of any nature try to limit them until after you’ve finished working out.
Avocados are a great food to fuel your body, their high-fat content makes them less than ideal for a pre-workout snack. Fat is the macronutrient that takes the longest to digest so it’s best to ditch the smashed avocado before training.
Try to steer clear of fried foods before a workout as they can make you feel sluggish due to their high-fat content. These foods can often be unkind to our stomachs which can lead to headaches and nausea mid-workout. Although this isn’t always the case, there are plenty of foods that are optimal for gym sessions to pick from.
Some isotonic drinks can be extremely high in carbohydrates, especially ones containing sugars. These can be great for replenishing energy after exercise, but drinking one of these before exercise can leave you feeling full. The last thing you want during your workout is to crash because of the poorly timed insulin spike.
Dairy products like yoghurt can cause bloating in some people, this is because of the high lactose content and they are often high in fat too. This can lead to digestive issues, which can be extremely uncomfortable when exercising. Pick a yoghurt that is either lactose-free, fat-free or contains live cultures as these will be easier to digest. is the fitness world’s preeminent destination for timely, high-quality information on exercise, fitness, health, and nutrition.