On Sunday 8th December, Oak Tree Lodge care home in Gipton kicked off a fun filled December with a concert by Little Cherries Children’s Drama and Musical Theatre Club. Manager Debra Hall said ‘our residents love to have children in the Home, and this was a great opportunity for us to interact with others in the local community. Staff at the Home and Sarah at Little Cherries worked really hard to make the event a success. Raffle prizes were donated by local businesses including Tesco, all proceeds went to Residents Funds to provide future outings and further entertainment.’
Little Cherries is owned and run by Sarah Bishop. They have 6 clubs currently running based in North West Leeds and Bradford 10 areas. The Drama club has 150 children aged between 3 and 12 attending who are all given a chance to perform twice a year regardless of talent and ability. As well as performing for the residents at Oak Tree Lodge, a group of 15 children also performed at Trinity Church in LS19. Sarah’s hopes for 2014 are to create more opportunities to perform to local community groups and hopefully create new clubs so that even more children can join and enjoy what Little Cherries has to offer. 40 children are also performing ‘A Journey Through Fantasia’ at the Carriageworks Theatre on April 11th to raise money for the charity www.martyspennybank.co.uk which raises awareness and funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Cardiomyopathy Association. For more information on Little Cherries Sarah can be contacted via their website www.mylittlecherries.com