Wanted: Ordinary People For An Extraordinary Career

Local News

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has launched a major recruitment campaign to find the next generation of full-time firefighters.

It is eight years since WYFRS employed new full-time (also known as wholetime) firefighters, so thousands of applicants are expected from all corners of West Yorkshire and beyond.

The campaign was launched at WYFRS Headquarters in Birkenshaw. It features the theme ‘Ordinary to Extraordinary’, which captures the essence of who our firefighters are and who we are looking for – ordinary people who do an extraordinary job. You can view the video at;


West Yorkshire’s new Chief Fire Officer, John Roberts, said: “This is an exciting opportunity for the men and women of West Yorkshire to join our highly experienced and dedicated team.

“The role of a firefighter has changed considerably over the years, with prevention playing as much of a part as fire and rescue. If you join us, you will learn some incredible skills, work with some wonderful people and overcome obstacles you never thought possible. Ultimately, you will have an extremely rewarding and fulfilling career by serving to protect the people of West Yorkshire. If you think you’re up for the challenge, we want to hear from you!”

WYFRS has launched a recruitment website
(www.joinwyfirefighters.com), which is a one-stop-shop for information on entry requirements, the recruitment process and information about the organisation. It also features a short film which shows our firefighters transforming from ‘Ordinary to Extraordinary’.

A number of serving West Yorkshire firefighters feature in the recruitment campaign materials. They feature in the film and you can read their full profiles on the website.

Councillor Judith Hughes, Chair of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority, said: “West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is a welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment to work and we are looking for people who share these positive values. We serve a diverse community and, as such, we welcome applicants from all backgrounds.”

Ian Brandwood, Chief Employment Services Officer, said: “Firefighters are highly respected members of society and it is a career which offers many opportunities for promotion and specialisation. We have officers who are nationally recognised in their specialist fields, whereas some firefighters prefer to serve their community for their entire career. The opportunities are endless, and what we can promise is job satisfaction.”

Members of the public will have the chance to find out if they are ‘firefighter fit’ and suitable to apply by attending an awareness day. A series of awareness days will take place at WYFRS Headquarters in Birkenshaw and at fire stations around West Yorkshire throughout this month. They will allow people to try the various physical entry tests and speak to current firefighters about the role, expectations and entry requirements. The entry tests available to try will include some or all of the following: breathing apparatus crawl (tests physical skills and claustrophobia), a drill ground assessment (tests physical strength and fitness), a vertigo test (includes scaling a ladder and working at height), a ladder carry to test strength and a bleep test.

Anyone interested in attending an awareness day should visit www.joinwyfirefighters.com and register their interest. Only those who have registered their interest and received confirmation they have a place will be able to take part. However, if you do not attend an awareness day, it does not preclude you from applying for a job. Job applications can be made via the website between 1 March and 9 April 2017.

Firefighters will also be out in the community over the next two months meeting the public and answering questions about the recruitment process.

For further information about the recruitment process and entry requirements, please call 01274 655745 or email wholetimeapplications@westyorksfire.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can follow the campaign on their Facebook page facebook.com/westyorkshirefire or on Twitter @WYFRS 

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