Lockdown Could Be With Us Before Christmas! Better Start Shopping
Now Before It’s Too Late!
The spring lockdown was a nightmare for most of us. For those on lockdown and furlough the novelty was quite interesting at first but as the restrictions were extended for many it became a nightmare and we had our first taste of what confinement and curfew actually meant. There were also the essential workers who kept working tirelessly throughout the period to keep our country running throughout the lockdown.. They may have looked with envy at those sunning themselves during the heatwave but either way the end of the restrictions could not come soon enough for all of us.
Frankly, we had all had enough! Now we find ourselves approaching the autumn with the long predicted ‘second wave’ taking us by surprise. We have to take every day as it comes and double our efforts to stay safe and protect one another to preserve our freedom and sanity.
The truth is that our trade has been manic since we were allowed to reopen with retailing. During the lockdown we opened our doors on a weekly basis to help those in need of our pawnbroking loans but since June 15th when we were officially allowed to start full trade again, the jewellery retail side has been extremely busy.
Its not surprising. Many people have more money than they have had in their pockets for a very long time as there has been nowhere ‘fun’ to spend it. You can’t easily go away on holiday, pubs, nightclubs and sports matches have all been restricted and for most people the government furlough or support scheme has kept the bank balance healthy.
People are investing in gold and jewellery and treating themselves as they realise that there is great pleasure in buying something beautiful that you can treasure and love that will also hold its value even when times are tough.

Gold hoops and creoles, heavy belcher chain and large yellow gold signet rings are all making a major come-back as the fashion to ‘wear what you own’ is returning to our streets. It was the way of the world in the 80’s and early 90’s until trend turned everything into white gold and silver and the minimalistic look became vogue.

It seems the times of people adorning themselves with gold are returning once again and second hand jewellery specialists are the place to shop. At Brown and Gold and Christopher Brown Jewellers we find ourselves selling preowned gold at less than half the price of most high street jewellers who can only sell new jewellery. The gold price has rocketed so much that you could now pay over £1000 for an 18ct gold plain gent’s wedding ring when the exact equivalent in our branches would cost you less than £230.00

Rolex watches are being bought before they are even taken out of the box. When I try to reorder more stock the suppliers have run out completely and the replacement watch costs us the more than the one we have just sold!
We really do not know what is around the corner. Christmas could be cancelled and shops could be forced to shut within weeks if we do not get the virus back into control.
Therefore if your Christmas Shopping has yet begun then you had better get started now! Call into one of our branches and see the fantastic range of pre-owned bargains and beautiful jewellery. You only live once and if the last 6 months have taught us something it’s that life is for living and you have to make the most of every moment. Buy something special that will last the test of time and give pleasure for years to come. Call into Brown & Gold at Seacroft and Batley or Christopher Brown Jewellers at York, Shipley and Pontefract and make your Christmas memorable and exciting for all the right reasons.
Chris Brown