As the cold weather bites across Yorkshire and with Christmas round the corner minds tend to turn to those more disadvantaged. There are, sadly in our society, none harder up over Christmas than the homeless and we Joe Public feel a natural sympathy towards them; how could we not care for people shivering in the cold and wet. How can this be fair?
Initiatives that sprung up across England have spurred people in Leeds to question what we do as a city? How does Leeds provide for the homeless and is there more that it could do?
No doubt there is always more. There are always solutions and methods that may not have been thought or forgotten about but Leeds has a vibrant and thriving support network that works thanks to the foresight of the council and the kind donations of its citizens.
In the centre of Leeds sits St George’s Church and underneath one of the rough diamonds of the city, the charity St George’s Crypt. Built on donations, working in partnership with the council and a multitude of other agencies they work throughout the year providing shelter, sustenance, advice and support to the most vulnerable of Leeds.
As winter approaches this need becomes greater but the work does not stall. Working with street outreach teams to highlight individuals who have not accessed any of the services the Crypt offers the city tries to find people who might fall through the net. This year the number was 15. That’s 15 people found on the streets of Leeds sleeping rough.
These people are signposted to St George’s Crypt and those that take up the offer, and there are people who refuse, receive a warm bed, shower facilities, three cooked meals a day and support from the Council’s housing support workers and the Crypt’s dedicated staff team to find suitable accommodation. They are signposted to training and engagement activities ranging from cooking to singing – all aimed at building people up to re-engage with society, return to structured accommodation and hopefully re-enter the labour market.
There are a number of different places serving food in and around Christmas for homeless and vulnerable people.
4 specific dates are as follows:
Christmas Day – Holy Trinity Church on Boar Lane, City Centre. Christmas Dinner is served 1 – 2.30pm. The event finishes @ 4pm.
Boxing Day (26th Dec, Saturday) – Christmas Dinner @ St Martins Community Kitchen in Chapel Alleton @ St Martins Church Hall, St Martins View, LS7 3LB.
Boxing Day (26th Dec, Sat) – Life Cafe, 18 Shannon Street, Leeds, LS9 8SS. Open between 9 and 6pm. Food served at Lunchtime and in the Evening.
Bank Holiday Monday 28th December – St George’s Crypt on Great George Street, LS1 3BR.
Starts at 12 noon and is due to finish around 2.30pm. Full Christmas dinner served.
This is in addition to the 24/7 365 days a year service provided. We should be happy as a city that such a charity sprung up in Leeds 85 years ago and has been meeting the needs of homeless and vulnerable people ever since.
*For any of our homeless readers who would like further information or a full timetabled list of where you can enjoy a meal please email For the bank holiday St George’s Crypt meal please speak to them to reserve a ticket. 0113 2459061.