Yorkshire Housing and Interserve Learning & Employment have partnered to offer the social housing association’s customers the opportunity to partake in work experience programmes.
Interserve’s work experience programmes usually entail 100 hours of work experience over a 4-6 week period and are designed to be a precursor to apprenticeships. They give would-be apprentices the opportunity to find what role would best suit them and gain experience which is helpful both during their applications and when they eventually start their apprenticeship.
All work experience programme costs are covered by government funding and participants are eligible to apply for an apprenticeship grant of up to £1,200. Following their work experience programme, participants have to be either offered the chance to interview for a position by the work experience programmes provider or be given an extensive exit interview to offer meaningful feedback.
Community investment manager at Yorkshire Housing, James Haigh said: “Interserve Learning & Employment do great work and we’re delighted to be working with them. Their tailored approach to finding work experience programmes for would-be apprentices is fantastic.
“We’re always looking to cooperate with other organisations to help our customers’ employability so this opportunity was ideal. We’re also creating a network of northern employability teams through the Northern Housing Employability and Training Forum which held a meeting for the first time last month.”
For more information and to register your interest in work experience programmes with Yorkshire Housing and Interserve contact: