Make a different to the lives of the elderly in 2015

CharityLocal News

It’s once again time to get out those good intentions that will hopefully result in a happier and healthier you over the next 12 months. But before deciding what your resolutions will be for 2015, consider research that suggests that those who give some of their time to volunteering in their community are happier and live longer as a result. As well as this, of course, they can also greatly benefit the people around them.

Contact the Elderly is a charity that sets up volunteer groups in order to offer befriending through monthly tea parties to those elderly members of the community who feel isolated and lonely. Groups exist across Sheffield but new volunteers to groups are always welcome; volunteers who can drive or who are willing to open up their homes for tea parties once or twice a year.

Volunteering with Contact the Elderly doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. But it can make a very big difference in people’s lives. To find out more visit the Contact the Elderly website at: or get in touch with Regional Development Office Angela Handforth on 0114 2302343 /


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