Yorkshire Cricket Foundation Wins National Lottery Support


The Yorkshire Cricket Foundation has received initial support from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the Yorkshire’s Cricket Heritage: A Lasting Legacy project. Made possible by National Lottery players, the project aims to protect and celebrate Yorkshire’s cricketing heritage. Development funding of £32,100 has been awarded to help Yorkshire Cricket Foundation progress its plans to make a Second Round application to unlock further funding of £235,800 to deliver the project

This volunteer-focussed project will preserve and celebrate the heritage of cricket in Yorkshire as a unifying force in this socially diverse county. It will partner amateur clubs and leagues in four areas – starting with Leeds, then Bradford, Scarborough and Sheffield – training participants in heritage preservation and access techniques, whilst raising the profile of League, women’s and Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) cricket.

It will facilitate social inclusion; benefit and inspire a wide range of people; strengthen community relationships and identities; inform activities for people living with dementia, depression and loneliness; generate education resources which connect cricket and social history; and create legacies of increased resources, skills, knowledge, interest, pride and resilience. ‘The project will help clubs to understand, safeguard and celebrate their heritage. It is anticipated that, following success with the selected areas, the project will eventually be rolled out county-wide.

Commenting on the award, Yorkshire Cricket Foundation Heritage Manager Paul Goodman said: “We’re absolutely delighted that that Yorkshire Cricket Foundation has received this support, and we thank all those who have played, and continue to play, the National Lottery. The Foundation is committed to protecting, preserving and promoting Yorkshire’s rich cricketing heritage and this award will enable us to engage with the community and maximise the opportunities for involvement and participation, giving us a leading sporting heritage offer.”

Will Saville, Head of the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation, added: “This is absolutely fantastic news for Yorkshire Cricket heritage and the Foundation’s community work as a charity.  As the Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s official charity, we aim to use the power of Yorkshire cricket’s rich history and heritage to support our education, health and wellbeing and participation programmes.  The funding provided by Heritage Lottery Fund will enable us to do this in a far more impactful way and with greater reach than ever before.”

Information on the project’s progression will be regularly released on the charity’s website, with full details on how to get involved.

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