The best performing collectible in the last 10 years is whisky. The latest record for the most expensive whisky sold at auction was $1.45 million for a bottle of 1926 McCallan. Recently an unnamed whisky collector from Asia paid a record-breaking £16 million for an ultra-rare cask of Ardbeg whisky distilled in 1975!
Previous to the Pandemic, there was a 586% growth in whisky investors. This seems to be driven by the fact that there are more investors than there is whisky about.
Did you know that the whisky industry contributes £5 billion to the UK economy annually and accounts for 25% of the entire food and drink export market? It makes up 1.5% of the total exports from the UK annually. That is such big business that it is attracts many investors.
Investments can be made in bottles and casks and many companies offer multiple investments on casks. This is usually a long term investment of 5 – 10 years. The average annual return last year was 13% to 19% Tax Free. As in all investments, there is a risk and it is always wise to get a good broker and do your research.
However the most expensive bottle of alcohol ever sold was not whisky, it was a bottle of D’Amalfi Limoncello Supreme with a diamond encrusted neck that sold for $34.5million! Something to think about when you are next offered a glass of limoncello in an Italian restaurant.
Port and Wine are also very collectable and we specialise in this subject.

A bottle of 1945 Dow’s Vintage Port sold recently for £380

A bottle of Petrus 1955 sold for £440. It is always worth checking out your old bottles.

Corkscrews are also very collectable, these two sold for £1400

Air Twist Glasses are also very desirable, this one sold for £1500
We will be holding a special Wine and Spirits auction before Christmas. Please get in touch if you have items of interest.